
Living A Successful Spiritual Life

 The best way to live a successful spiritual life is to completely throw yourself into doing the will of God, as best you can understand it and as this understanding develops over time. This is an all or nothing proposition: there is no half way. Once you make the commitment you will wonder how you did it any other way.

Making The Leap

 Many people will say, “How can you believe in a God you cannot see?” It is in fact the case that it’s only when you make the leap of having faith in God that you come to experience Him in your life and, thus, believe in Him with conviction. Faith creates more faith. Since God is not material there is no amount of physical evidence that can adequately prove His existence. We will come into God’s presence eventually, but that is only when we are in a more spiritualized form. Faith changed you, then, into a god-conscious being.

The Way Forward

We are material beings of spirit potential. It is not just that we are born, live a physical life and die. There is purpose in this life and beyond, a continuing progress that will one day land us on the Isle of Paradise into the presence of the very one who created us, God our Father. You don’t have to take my word for it: just look into your own self and discern that spirit of God that indwells you. Ever will that spirit guide you forward saying, “This is the way.” You can’t go wrong.